Arrival Series 7: From Me to You, Installment 74, 28 July 2024
Christ Letters for the Second Coming 11-15
Sunday 28th July 2024 (posted Saturday 3rd Aug)
The seventh series of Arrival called ‘From Me to You — The Christ Letters for the Second Coming’ offers us encouraging bimonthly messages
from Jesus, Mother Mary, and St. Germain. Jesus announced this new series saying “We will focus on each of you, helping you to come into your
sense of power as God on the earth.” The May installment and this new July one, comprising five powerful Christ Letters 11-15, are all from Mother Mary!
Enjoy these excerpts and read the full text of the latest Christ Letters
on the Arrival website.
“Simply put, we are creating a new world by joining the individualized Christ, the elevated Self of form, with other elevated Selves
of form and with unseen guides to form one cohesive body of energy in a place where there is only unbridled ego and false thoughts of competition and
separation. Fear is the guide here in the illusionary upside down world that the ego created, while we only offer love”
(11 New Beginnings)
“… we are practicing the truest and purest form of Christianity that there is. We aren't following or believing in Christ as much as
we are being Christ, being God in form. This is a revolutionary mission that we are on, sisters and brothers. Revolutionary! The ego kept us at bay
for more than 2000 years since my time on earth and now look at what has happened. I have returned yet again and each of you has joined me…”
(12 Training Grounds)
“We don't have a human leader. There is no church. We come from every religious tradition and from none of them. We are flashlights showing
the way home to those who have longed and thirsted for it for so long.”
(13 Flashlights)
“Jesus was, in actuality, an example of the divine masculine, a model to elevate patriarchy. It failed because Jesus was seen as a God figure,
not an ordinary man and not an example for all, but just being a very special case. The divine masculine is part of the divine feminine, which is a complete
whole. In and of itself, the divine masculine is not whole because it misses a key ingredient. The feminine is life giving and the masculine is life supporting.
The divine feminine includes both parts but the divine masculine does not. It was a failed model.“
(14 The Divine Feminine in Full Manifestation)
“While Christ is a unified energy between the seen and the unseen, the individual Christ's ministry can at least seem separate from another
Christ's ministry. They aren't of course and yet one could be in one place, and another could be in another part of the world. They will involve ministering
(or blessing) different people, perhaps from different cultures and speaking different languages. Yet, all Christs are doing the same exact thing.
They are extending love to love….“
(15 The Individual Christ)
💛Pause❤️Breathe 💚Feel💜Receive💖Act
Sharing in Freedom, Power, and Joy!
With love to each and all 🌺
[© 2020-2024 Rick Greathouse, Arrival (http://arrival.cocreatingclarity.org)]
Image: Autumn Skye Art, Holy Grail
Image: Stinson Beach CA, Nick Strutt, 5 Dec 2021
Image: Golden Sunrise, Christina Strutt, 8 January 2024
Explore the Seven Series of Arrival
“The first thing that you have needed is nurturing and support. You were nurtured for many years, mainly by spiritual teaching literature,
such as A Course in Miracles. When your soul matured and was ready to take over control from the ego, then you needed to be supported in that because you
wouldn't find any support for Christ in the human world. That's certainly true. A Journey into the Unknown took you from the nurtured mature soul phase
to a fully emerged Christ aspect. You then developed relationships with many in the unseen world as your internship and residency. Now, you have graduated
and opened your own offices, so to speak. We are continuing our support now with Arrival.”
- Jesus, 2021
Series 1: Living in The Material World
Series 2: The Flowering of Christ
Series 3: Reflections of Christ, an Honest Look into Love’s Mirror
Series 4: Secrets of Christ
Series 5: The Flowering of Christ — Resurrection
Series 6: Departure — The Mystery of God
Series 7: From Me to You — The Christ Letters for the Second Coming
Sharing with love 🌺
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Christina Strutt

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🔥💛🌏 Soul in the Driver’s Seat
Soul Journey Newsletter #5
Saturday 13th July 2024
💛 The Holy Instant (Part 2 of 2)
💛 The Pause — This Is The Way
[Read Part 1]
My quest to live in presence began in 1992 with ACIM’s invitation into the Holy Instant, enhanced not long after by Eckart Tolle’s ‘The Power of Now’.
In 2008 as my Systems Engineering/Systems Thinking colleagues were writing about the transformative power of Now in business leadership, I was discovering
ACOL’s invitation to being in union and presence as the way to ultimate freedom, power, and joy! That’s when my worn out heart-mind-body vehicle began
settling into a state relaxed, aligned, and clear enough to crystallize a concise one-line deconstruction of The Way in which I endeavor to live fully
present in each moment. Beginning with a bare bones — ♥Breathe♥Listen in♥Trust Yourself♥
And evolving over the next fifteen years into —
💛Pause❤️Breathe💙Listen in💚Feel🧡Receive💜Trust YourSelf💖Act
It seems to be my life-long way — this business of living viscerally immersed in some dysfunctional thing/human pattern for long periods. At times
this came with repeated traumas that left me emotionally mentally and physically bruised, hurt, surprised, confused, and exhausted! The only way through was
to stay present with all of it praying “I am willing. Show me. Thank you.” over and over and over again. Often incessantly through sleepless tear-filled nights.
The root essence of the thing itself remaining unknown, unnamed, unarticulated! Until one fine day it simply IS known dimly at first and then with such clarity
that the words come and the thing, now viscerally KNOWN, can be named expressed in words shared and reclaimed in all its innocence and value. That’s when I write
about it, and not a moment sooner. How could it be any other way? Experience has always been paramount in the often very raw human challenges of the Soul mission
I apparently signed up for! All of it perfectly designed and prerequisite to the integrity with which I live moment to moment and to the unique sovereignty,
authority, and clarity with which I speak and write. For if I had written any of it before its time, the words would’ve been little more than a spouting of ideas,
a recycling of concepts read, or mental constructs encountered. Intellectual bull💩 to be precise! There are things enough in this world full of that!🤣 and
such a yearning for genuine embodied example lives! But I digress!
💛Pause❤️Breathe💙Listen in💚Feel🧡Receive💜Trust YourSelf💖Act
You’ve likely seen some variation of this one-line distillation of decades of experience in a post or newsletter over the past many years. Lengthy retreats
and meditation practices have rarely held any appeal though I have come to appreciate the deepening of the daily 💛Pause they can offer. My one-liner is simple,
ever available, and practical, yet difficult to live consistently and continuously! You no doubt have your own way and I would love to hear what it is. So do write
and tell me! I’d love that! Many have written books about their way. I would too if I cared to, and were I not so fully, richly, and productively occupied
loving and living it in each moment. Allowing its alchemy to ripple out through the field touching every one and every thing. Only now and again as prompted,
writing and sharing real-time the essence of my experience! Just as I am right now!😃 Read more of my distilled experience at
Indra’s Net of Jewels.
The first step, the 💛Pause remains of prime importance to me. It is my way of allowing all boundaries between self and other within and without, to naturally
dissolve in the ocean of love, the embrace, the pre-particle cosmic mother plasma, this stuff of love that we truly are and that scientists now realize seamlessly
fills more than 99% of the cosmos. It is a way of accessing cosmic intelligence, of resting in the infinite spiral🌀 of not-knowing and coming-to-know. Of dropping
into zero-point spaciousness, the infinite void of no-thing and every-thing, where all that is, ever was, and ever will be, pre-exists in divine potentiality!
This is a very real tangible state of BEing. It IS The Way (the only way for me) of navigating the New.
Mary Reed/Consensus calls it Isness.
Mari Perron/Jesus (A Course of Love) calls it being/joining in Union and Relationship.
Helen Schucman/Jesus (Course in Miracles) calls it the Holy Instant.
As does Rick Greathouse/Jesus (Soul in the Driver’s Seat) which in fact is currently offering
31 daily reflections on The Holy Instant for July! My first experience of this state of
being was early one morning in 1992 sitting with the day’s ACIM workbook lesson looking out the window. Heart opening, mind melting in its glow, the body’s gaze
softening my focus into the both/and of the near distance, I slipped for a moment into what I call “the shimmering”. An all permeating space of alert, relaxed,
ecstatic awareness of our Creator BEingness within the multidimensional timeless time (Kairos) of the New, way beyond the familiar linear time (Chronos) of the
old world. The distant tree line went wavy the way the image would go on old TV screens when the antenna signal was unsteady! And then it was over and it was
time to get the kids up and ready for school! Wow! I remember so vividly that first physical experience of boundary-less immersion in sparkly living light simply
tingling with electric intelligence! It took my breath away!
“The holy instant has not yet happened to you. Yet it will, and you will recognize it with perfect certainty. No gift of God is recognized in any
other way. You can practice the mechanics of the holy instant, and will learn much from doing so. Yet its shining and glittering brilliance, which will literally
blind you to this world by its own vision, you cannot supply. And here it is, all in this instant, complete, accomplished and given wholly.”
— ACIM, The Holy Instant, The End of Doubt, T-15II.5
“Your form does not contain your heart, or the energy of creation, or God. Your form is but an extension of this energy, a representation of it.
You might think of this as a small spark of the energy that has created a living universe existing within you and uniting you to all that has been created.
You are the substance of the universe. The same energy exists in the stars of the heavens and the waters of the ocean that exists in you.”
— A Course of Love, Treatise on the New, The Energy of Creation, T4:5.5
Today, dropping into that shimmering stillness remains my happy place. No longer needing a workbook lesson or any kind of external prompt. Returning as many
times as I remember during my day. Especially when meeting/joining with someone in union and relationship, or when the mind begins to spin out trying to dissect
and solve some outer thing. My sincere intention to flow as clear pools with and through the person/thing, loving them exactly as they are, carried on a single
deep breath, deposits me gently, unfailingly, on the shores of 💛The Pause. It is a rapid refresh that replenishes my soul wherever I am in my day, much like the
refresh button gets a wonky webpage to behave again! For it is never about the outer thing/person. It is only ever about choosing the Way and allowing the thing/person
to be restored to wholeness in harmony as a side effect! 💛The Pause plops my Soul’s butt right back into the driver’s seat where it belongs. Leading me back into
the flow of life — obstacles dissolving, hurts evaporating, answers landing, and all of it being accomplished with ease, in joy and delight! I’m pretty sure
this very same 💛Pause is why David the Shepherd King (of the Bible, Psalm 23 fame) was prompted to lie down in green pastures, and led beside still waters, for
it allowed God to restore his soul!
💛Pause❤️Breathe💙Listen in💚Feel🧡Receive💜Trust YourSelf💖Act
A couple of weeks ago a new friend Jake (who is absorbing A Course of Love alongside Soul in the Driver’s Seat) asked me to clarify ego/doing and heart/mind/being
as he put it. In response I shared my single simple formulaic line as a portal into ‘doing’ that arises from being. I also shared a very helpful practice discovered
five years ago that had settled so deeply within me that it had all but escaped my notice! So fun that it popped forward just in time, for it is a fine deconstruction
of the familiar 💛Pause❤️Breathe into its component parts 💛Pause💛Inhale💛Exhale💛Pause in the void between the end of an exhale and the need to breathe again.
Not ever forcing anything. But simply allowing a natural space of stillness, awareness, and alert availability to grace. A pause in the shimmering, where an
intoxicating boundary-less-ness blossoms and I am both distinct and One with the infinite Isness of all of everything. Here is the sweet eight-minute guided
practice Breathing Consciousness from my
friend Francisca Zee. Perhaps you’ll try it? The intention is to be able to drop in at anytime anywhere,
in any situation, on your own with a single breath! Let me know how it is for you!
So here we are 💛Inhale💛Exhale💛Pause! Can it really be that simple? One breath tuning us in to collective divine intelligence? I say YESSS! Noting with irony
that within the very act of separation — of breaking the 💛Pause into even finer steps — lies the Quantum Leap into Wholeness/Oneness/Isness!
This is the Way of dissolving into the infinite all-inclusiveness of the Void of All That Is. This is the body as portal, the wormhole into the magic of living/BEing
in the paradox of Both/And, each one of us distinct and unique within Oneness, and essential to the Whole! It is our superpower. It is why the New cannot land
in form on New Earth save through our precious bodies. We are the conveyance of the New. It is our divine unique HUman BEingness claiming and living the alchemy
of Unity/Christ Consciousness in the timelessness of the Now that is the key. Yes! It IS indeed that simple! Each one charged with gathering up all that was ever
separated out and banished across time. Each one moving alone through our uniquely ordinary day, one step at a time! Yet inextricably woven together in a rousing
symphony of our unique ways. We are walking each other home one shimmering moment at a time, CoCreating a Tsunami of Love with every step we take! There is no
other way that I know of! This Is The Way! And dare I say nothing matters more for all that is True and lasting arises from 💛The Pause.
“As you embody your divine nature and become aware of your primordial roots, so too will you realize that the True nature of your being is acutely
tied to your role in greater service to this planet. That who you are IS your service. The memory of this is becoming more prominent in your field for exactly
this reason. This is not a memory of the mind, but of the body and so it would behoove you to take a back seat to this sacred unveiling, to allow this information
to surface without mental constructs, expectations, or the like.”
— Lauren C. Gorgo, The New Earth Institute
Take care of your selves and each other, and I so look forward to you sharing your insights and experiences here! All for one and one for all!
With so much love 🌺
[© 2023 Rick Greathouse, Soul in the Driver’s Seat: A Course in Miracles for the New Age.
Read in monthly installments at https://soul.cocreatingclarity.com,
and subscribe to the Soul Journey Newsletter for updates]
Image: Tulips, Christina Strutt, April 2023
Image: Auroras over Westford, MA, Christina Strutt, 10 May 2024
Image: ACIM ACOL Global Heart, Christina Strutt, 22 Aug 2020
Image: Love Sparkles, Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You, Nancy Tillman 2010
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Christina Strutt

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🔥💛🌏 Soul in the Driver’s Seat
Soul Journey Newsletter #5
Saturday 13th July 2024
💛The Holy Instant💛The Pause💛 (Part 1 of 2)
Dearest Companions✨🕸✨🕸✨
The solar and planetary energies seem to be intensifying their momentum ever since the Total Solar Eclipse of 8th April. Augmented by the
once-in-a-lifetime brilliant Auroras seen all over New England 10th May. And amplified again by the Summer Solstice 21st June! All of it propelling
us out of any remaining stuckness/stupor, into new levels of awareness and clarity of the choice before us. It is not always comfortable, yet all
of it is calling us into a state of openness, willingness, and fearless allowance. Making ourselves available to the immense infusion of Love that
is so generously available to us in each moment! To Unity/Christ Consciousness, Divine Intelligence, Cosmic Mother Plasma — call it what
you will — that is flooding the planet and our bodies as we walk our path home hand in hand, each one of us uniquely distinct within and
essential to the whole.
So it’s no surprise then that Soul in the Driver’s Seat Installment 12 for July 2024 focuses us on “The Holy Instant”.
A delightfully familiar topic for the many of us long-time lovers and livers of A Course in Miracles. And a powerfully reprised and sparkling
new experience awaiting those of us recently landed in this terrain. For it is through the alchemy of the Holy Instant that we glimpse visceral hints
of a new reality. And begin to ground these experiences right here in the down and dirty of our faithful planet, through the transfiguration of the
very particles of our precious human bodies. A Course of Love calls this process “the elevation of the self of form”.
Each moment spent in this holy time-outside-of-time strengthens our hearts, our souls, and our mind-body vehicles through which the New is arriving.
As Mother Mary put it in her Easter Day address “Resurrection happens in each moment, when the past is forgotten and the opportunity to begin again awaits.”
It is happening here and now through you!
“The Holy Instant is a thoughtless state of mindlessness and soulfulness. It is a reminder that you are not who you think you are,
but are one of divine essence, a soul connected to all other souls, the totality of which creates God, the source energy that created everything you
know about and everything you do not. It is as mysterious as the real you is, undefined and formless, informed by the all of all. Give it a spin.
Picture yourself in stillness, consumed by light, and explore. What do you discover? Stay awhile and return often. You will never be the same again.
You are a portal into the unknown, where the unknown can become known through you. This is reality. This is your reality.”
— Soul in the Driver’s Seat: A Course in Miracles for the New Age,
Steps to Authenticity July: The Holy Instant, V1:7.7.3
Visit the Soul website and enjoy July’s thirty-one daily reflections on The Holy Instant. And remember to visit the Arrival website on Sunday 28th July
for the latest bimonthly installment of
Series 7: From Me to You — Christ Letters for the Second Coming.
I wonder what inspiring new topic we will be gifted with thanks to the continuing devotion and generosity of Rick Greathouse? And from whom it will
be received? Mother Mary perhaps? What fun!
That’s the end of my brief update on Soul and Arrival. Read on to Part 2 of The Holy Instant💛The Pause only if you’re up
for a rather long and windy yet delightfully juicy offering, that surged through me this past week insisting on being written. Enjoy and do write to me!
I would so love to hear your thoughts, experiences, feelings, reactions, responses … I welcome them all! 💝
Follow us on Facebook,
Instagram, and
YouTube and catch up on
all past Newsletters.
Sharing in Freedom, Power, and Joy!
With love to each and all 🌺
[© 2023 Rick Greathouse, Soul in the Driver’s Seat: A Course in Miracles for the New Age.
Read in monthly installments at https://soul.cocreatingclarity.com,
and subscribe to the Soul Journey Newsletter for updates]
Image: Tulips, Christina Strutt, April 2023
Image: Auroras over Westford, MA, Christina Strutt, 10 May 2024
Image: ACIM ACOL Global Heart, Christina Strutt, 22 Aug 2020
Image: Love Sparkles, Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You, Nancy Tillman 2010
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Christina Strutt

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