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💛 Ring of Fire
       New Moon in Capricorn, Thursday 26th December 2019, 12:18 EST

The deep black void of the New Moon in Capricorn. And the annular Solar Eclipse visible only on the other side of the globe. The Ring of Fire when the moon sits in front of the sun. They say it's like the sun ‘switches off’ for a little bit. Enabling new diamond crystalline light codes of compassionate Christ consciousness to be ‘booted’ into the earth grids of Sophia Gaia. Securing essential Divine Masculine New Earth structures in place. For the Divine Feminine now birthing a kinder more connected and more loving reality. I love that this glorious photo was taken in Singapore 🌺

The Enchanted Portal, December 26, 4:34pm
The Ring of Fire.
Singapore Eclipse 12/26/2019

Here's the post on FaceBook



💛 Birth
       Winter Solstice, Saturday 21st December, 11:19pm EST

“For some, this BIRTH of the Higher Self (for the human) occurs on 21 December 2019, when the Solstice Gateway (Light node) opens. It is a three day BIRTHING period ... 12/12 signified the FIRST day of a NEW and next seven year period of the Galactic Timeline and Earth/Human growth. For those at this stage, that equates to seven years of getting used to, BEING FULLY, the HIGHER SELF with a human body, IN and OUTSIDE of the solid realm. Being and acting from that, by all thoughts, all words, all actions; creator of your realm, VIA ENERGETIC ABILITY of the Higher Self. If you are not at the stage I mention here, please let go of any fear of not being enough, of feeling less than, missing the boat. It's a collective change, just that we do it each in our own timeline, but going through the same stages as each other, yet as ONE whole. Many MANY, that are not quite at this stage for this year, will go through this stage in three months, in March 2020. So they will go through the current ‘birthing canal’ some are experiencing NOW, in March 2020, and then their Birth, as the Solstice Gateway remains open throughout. We are in this together, helping each other. ...” — Amanda Lorence
Amanda Lorence on Soulogy

💜 Death AND New Life

Sharing this for anyone feeling this Solstice Passage. Fully. Not just the blissful bits. But also the excruciating bits. In truth it is a passage to embodiment of Love BEing. The Christ self. The Krishna/Cristos/Christed/Crystalline Self. The Elevated Self of Form. With deepest thanks dearest Lori🙏🏾, my soul soooo needs this this morning. Yes of course it's Both/And. Dark and Light! Death and New Life! Yet all around me is only the bright clanging of Christmas! Makes me feel insane for feeling the way I am. These days of passage into the Solstice is relentless. Like being put through a giant wringer with a giant hand turning it tighter and tighter. Yet I did ask for it and still am. Not turning away now, not after all this time😢 One breath at a time. Now. And now. And now. If I do anything else it is a sheer agony of grief, confusion, fear ... yes fear😳 Why does that surprise me so much? I'm with you precious Lori. And with anyone/all who are feeling this swirling ferociously compassionate and beautiful movement within and without! It is what Jesus in A Course of Love called us to. It is the Collective movement we have been preparing our whole lives for. Because we ARE willing. We CHOSE to. We ARE doing it. We are One. One Heart♥️ Loving you all so much🌺
The Holy in Loss

💛 Christ-consciousness

“... To sustain Christ-consciousness in form is creation of the new. My one example life could not sustain Christ-consciousness for those who came after me but could only be an example. What you are called to do is to, through your multitude, sustain Christ-consciousness, and thus create the union of the human and the divine as a new state of being..” — A Course of Love, T4:4.18

Here's the post on FaceBook





💛 Spiraling
       17th December 2019

Sitting in the semi-darkness of dawn this morning. In stillness. Out the corner of my eye I catch movement to my left. And turn my head to witness massive red-tail hawks swoop down from the tall trees at the edge of our lawn. Five of them. One after the other. At maybe 3-second intervals. Hunting for breakfast in the apple orchard below. Wow! Brimming over with joy and reverence I breathe a prayer of gratitude.

It's snowing again out there❄️ Snow day for the schools. I cancelled my hair appointment. Hunkering down for another at-home retreat day. Except for the Chelmsford Community Band's delightful Christmas concert on Sunday (Colin plays clarinet) I haven't been out in ten days. At this intense time? Sheer bliss! The tree is up and sparkling. The cookie ingredients rest undisturbed in the pantry. The gifts sit naked in their Amazon boxes. Our family gathers soon. And I feel at peace in a way I've never felt before. Certainly not at this time of year!

I haven't been out and yet I've been everywhere and nowhere. Spiraling🌀 through galaxies and universes within. Traveling the breadth and depth of heartbreaks and joys of lifetimes and back again. Diving deep into the void. Into the darkness of primordial ooze teeming with promise! Floating in the frothy bubbles of Quantum Foam. The infinite (electron/quark) Field Forever Flowing Feelings into Form. Sinking into the emptiness of endings and of beginnings alive with limitless potential. Resting in the Sophia heart womb at my center birthing my reality. Like the black hole at the center of our Galaxy birthing the Stars themselves!

Just like you and me, galaxies are electromagnetic torus swirls around voids/black holes/Sophia heart wombs at their center! In constant movement being and expression. Their swirling arms composed of cosmic dust, gases and areas of intense star formation called starbursts!🌟 Chew on that for a moment! Last night on FaceBook I was enthralled with a photo (thanks Barbara💎) of the M77 galaxy spiral which is 47 million light years away. Searching for it this morning to send to Mari💎 (who's been into spirals lately😄) I am delighted to discover it was taken from circling jet station SOFIA!😳 Using the far-infrared light camera of their HAWC+😳 instrument to observe celestial dust grains. And posted by NASA just a week ago! Wow!🌟

Anyway back to me😃 which of course is us! I never doubt for an instant that whatever any one of us does we do for ALL! For we are One! Journeying home to myself. Every particle of my being coming alive. Feeling the Jewel within the Net. As a unique one with the many within the All of Oneness. Heart mind body and soul. Shimmering with the thrill of being seen, sensed, heard, felt, welcomed, accompanied, and loved. Unconditionally. Within. No words. I am not who I was three weeks ago. Yet nothing visible to the human eye.

Which is a good thing! Life is surreal enough without any eyes being able to see the rippling golden scales of my Dragon Light Body!🐉 Haha! Though I have put in a request for Christmas, for one of those flip-sequin sweatshirts the kids are wearing!😄 Love those! Seriously though, this sacred corridor of embodiment leading up to the December Solstice is sounding a clarion call to self-love. To live a fierce uncompromising compassion. That cannot help but surge throughout the Net to the many Jewels everywhere who are starving for love. For the healing joy of being seen, heard, received, and understood without judgment.💞 I hope I'm not smokin' anything for I'll be in a community civil discourse meeting in a couple of days. With conservatives and democrats discussing the 2nd Amendment. And where I shall no doubt be unfurling the ferocious tenderness of my iridescent gold scales🐲. BEing the gift of steadfast neutral witness. No need to compare control or fix. As my cousin Mano was for me in Kajang a year ago. And my sweet friend Lori last Saturday. Transmuting fear through the magick of pure presence✨

💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💚Listen 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Take Action🧡

Try Francisca Zee's 10-second Breathing Practice

Resting in divine zero-point neutrality.
Trusting the power of our hearts beating as One.
Resting in the Heart of God.
You are precious beyond price.
You are powerful beyond words.
And you are not alone.

Embodying Love is our only task.
Bringing Light and Laughter to Life.
Especially where it is needed most.
It is all we are asked to do.
And it is everything!

🌟Embody the Light🌟Enlighten the Body🌟
(don't you adore this line?😆 I do!)

PS: For all fellow nerds who actually read this far, SOFIA is the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy. She's a Boeing 747SP jetliner modified to carry a 106-inch diameter telescope. And HAWC+ is her High-resolution Airborne Wideband Camera-Plus.

The Field
How to Shape a Spiral Galaxy

💛 Energy of Creation

“In order for your body to live, this one Energy had to enter your form and exist where you think you are. This is the Energy of Love, the Energy of Creation, the Source that is known as God. Since you are clearly alive, this Energy exists within you as it exists in all else that lives. It is one Energy endlessly able to materialize in an inexhaustible variety of forms. It is thus one Energy endlessly able to dematerialize and rematerialize in an inexhaustible variety of form. But form does not contain It and is not required for Its existence or expression. How could form contain God? How could form contain the Energy of Creation?
Your form does not contain your heart, or the energy of creation, or God. Your form is but an extension of this energy, a representation of it. You might think of this as a small spark of the energy that has created a living universe existing within you and uniting you to all that has been created. You are the substance of the universe. The same energy exists in the stars of the heavens and the waters of the ocean that exists in you. This energy is the form and content of the embrace. It is within you and It surrounds and It encompasses you. It is you and all who exist with you It is the body of Christ. It is like unto what the water of the ocean is to the living matter that exists within it. The living matter that exists within the ocean has no need to search for God. It lives in God. So do you.” — A Course of Love, T4:5.4-5

Here's the post on FaceBook







💛 Joy
       Full Moon in Gemini, 12:12am EST, 12th December 2019

It has been twelve very full days for me since I last wrote. Including these past four days of at-home retreat (Colin returns later morning after a rare work trip to CA😄). It has been time of silence. Overflowing with the fullness of my own company. Inwardly focused as well as immersed in Creation of the New (reading), A Course of Love (listening), and The Sophia Code (experiencing), hugging the sparkly platinum gold dragon my granddaughters brought me at a Thanksgiving A deep sense of completion bookending the completion I felt on my trip back to Singapore and Malaysia this time last year. Feeling still and alert. Cozy thanks to a few inches of fresh snow. And also the edgy buzz of something powerful moving within and without. Around all of us. (And No it's not the caffeine talking😄 though I have been enjoying endless cups of tea!) I know much is happening and have no words to describe it. Which is why I am not writing much. Though I'm pretty sure the only response is Love — self-love and compassion for all.

They say the Full Moon tonight at 12:12am EST marks the opening of the 12:12 gateway to New Earth. A time of endings and beginnings. Of death and rebirth. Of letting go and opening to receive the New. A powerful infusion of the sacred unity of compassionate Christ consciousness and Magdalene energies Of the union of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. Stepping into full unity consciousness. KNOWing that we are One. FEELing the Embrace. EmBODYing Oneness. And Living it! As the divine HUman BEings we are in truth. And it's also 12 days to Christmas!🎄With all the bustle of card-writing (done the international ones✈️) gift-shopping (God Bless Amazon🙂) cookie-baking (I've baked none), decorating (new wreath on door!) and party planning (do I have to?🤪). All of it overlaid with the joys and sorrows of traditions, expectations, anticipations and delights! How do we flow through it all in joy without sorrow?

💛 Pause ❤️Breathe 🧡Listen 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖

I love what Brenda Hoffman has to say —

“... So it is you are learning how to access joy with a simple exercise. Does the activity feel joyful or heavy? If it feels joyful, it is your 5D path. If it feels heavy, cumbersome, or filled with shoulds, it is of your 3D past. This holiday season, you are discovering that many of your activities are not as joyful as they once were. Is it because in addition to holiday demands, you are over-burdened with the intense Universal energies now pummeling you? Or is it because those holiday activities are no longer who you are? If either response is accurate, you are attempting to be someone you no longer are. Your task becomes to either ignore those activities, redirect them in ways that feel comfortable, or allow others to complete the tasks that no longer interest you. Explanations are not necessary, nor is guilt for those tasks are no different than the example we used at the beginning of this piece. A teen does not need to apologize for not wishing to play with toddler toys, nor does anyone expect a teen to do so. In 3D society, it is acceptable to inform others that you are too frail to prepare the expected dinner or decorate your home. Yet, informing others you wish to change the expectations they have of you seems almost insurmountable. Not because you find joy in completing those tasks, but that someone may not like you if you do not follow their traditions. Traditions that might even have once been yours and others are merely doing what they think you expect. So it is time for you to be honest with others and yourself. What gives you joy? Not what are the expectations of others or yourself, but what gives you joy?... ”

Read Brenda's full blogpost.
Listen to Brenda on blogtalkradio.
Refresher on Dimensions and Frequencies.

Precious Jewels in Indra's Net💎🕸💎 You are not alone. Together we rest steady, ready and alert. Trusting in each quantum now moment that everything is unfolding perfectly and with purpose. Whether I'm writing up a storm or hardly at all, please know that I am forever joining with you heart-to-heart as One. In the limitless Field of Creation that is Love endlessly expressing Love in form. Loving you all always🌺

💛 Sharing Yourself

“When you think of acting out of love, your thoughts of love are based on sentiment and must be challenged. Love is not being nice when you are feeling surly. Love is not doing good deeds of charity and service. Love is not throwing logic to the wind and acting in foolish ways that pass as gaiety but cannot masquerade as joy...” (C4.12) ... “You can do everything you did before, or nothing you did before, all with the total confidence of being. You need not worry about this joy being selfish for there is no such thing in unity. You will share your joy continuously just by sharing yourself.” (E.10) — A Course of Love

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